Board committee charter
Committees are an important part of carrying out the work of the Board (or highest governing body) because they devote extra time to reviewing and discussing essential aspects of governance, strategy, risk, and management. Committees help the Board meet its legal and regulatory commitments by recommending actions and decisions.

An organisation's founding documents may list the types of committees that should be established.Typical committees can cover Nomination, Remuneration, Risk, Audit, and Ethics/ESG. It is up to the organisation to decide which committees should be established in line with the size, maturity, risks and priorities of the business.

A board committee charter addresses each committee's mission, membership, authority, responsibilities, composition, intended lifespan, frequency of meetings, requirements for minutes, and how they report their findings to the Board. Committee charters guide the work of the committee, serve as a reference for disputes, and set out the legal framework in which they must operate.
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