Gender parity
Gender parity refers to the ratio of men to women in the workforce and at senior levels. The closer that number is to one, the greater the parity. For example, if the ratio at board level is 1:1, it means the organisation has attained gender parity through equal representation of men and women on the board of directors. 

A general international goal is to achieve at least 30% representation of women at board level. Gender parity can also be realised in senior management or C-suite positions. 

Most companies won't achieve gender parity immediately or it may be difficult to attract an equal number of women or men into specific roles. It is important to show evidence of progress where available. 

Typical documentation includes data on staff representation by gender in the workforce, management, executive level, and at board level. Other usefu documentation could be case studies or reports on the organisation's initiatives to improve gender representation among staff, contractors, agents, and suppliers.
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