Uploading Documents
In previous versions of ESG Tracker, we asked you to upload supporting documents directly into the survey as you completed each module. We noticed this required you to upload the same document multiple times and probably meant you had to collect all the documents together before you completed the survey. 

We have changed this process to make your life easier. 

You can now first complete the survey and then upload your documents directly to your "Data Room" on your ESG Tracker profile the same way you would use Google Drive or a similar tool.

Please follow the steps below to upload supporting documents for your ESG Tracker submission:

Step 1: Please first complete the online survey sections

For existing users, you will notice that the survey no longer asks you to upload documents as you go. Instead, you are asked if a document exists (e.g., a policy, statement, etc.). If you select “yes”, then this answer will automatically be registered in a new section of the survey called "Document List".

Step 2: Once you have completed all the thematic sections, proceed to the "Document List" section of the survey.

Step 3: Review the pre-populated answers in the "Document List" and make any adjustments that may be needed. 

For instance, you can select options where you know a document exists, and de-select an option where you realise you don't actually have that document available.

Step 4: Click "Save" (or "Update") once you have finished checking the "Document List" answers. 

If you previously viewed the Document List and came back to update it, then you will be asked to select "Update" to complete the task. 

Step 5: Download a copy of your document list to help you with your next step.

Once you click "Save" or "Update" will be give the option to "Download Document List". Please do this and save to your desktop for use in the next step. 

This is what the downloadable file looks like. 

Step 6: Now go to your online "Data Room" in your ESG Tracker Profile and upload documents to the appropriate folders. 

First, find your "Data Room" in your online profile. 

You will see a folder called "Documents". Select this and proceed to a set of sub-folders that are named and numbered according to the different sections in the survey. 

The numbering also lines up with the numbers in the "Document List" that you just downloaded. 

You can add documents directly to the appropriate folders that correspond to the numbering. 

Or you can simply add them to the "Other" folder and we will allocate them for you. 

First click on the folder to open it. 

Then, there are 3 ways to upload documents: 

1) Drag and drop the file into the window 
2) Select "Add your files" in the bottom left corner, which will open up a window to browse your desktop
3) Select the "plus" sign in the bottom right corner, which will ask you whether you want to add a new file or folder. If you select "file" it will open a window to browse your desktop. 

It may take a few moments for your document to load. And you may need to refresh the page to see all documents. 

And that's it. 

You can come back to your Data Room at any time and add more documents. We will get a notification each time you add an item.

Don't forget to complete your online Survey Submission by clicking the following button at the bottom of the survey. This will timestamp your completed survey and let us know we can get started with analysis.  

Don't hesitate to reach out with questions about this new function at  

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ESG Tracker Knowledge Base | 2024